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last update 2020-05-05

▪ I can speak French and English(still learning)
▪ Please, do not rush me frequently in preset-time.
▪ Real life is first and only can work for you in my free time.
▪ You can ask a deadline (at least 3 days before the deadline) only for special reason.
▪ I don’t know how long it will take, I have a life outside of my commissions and, some times, i need to priorise that. This apply to art and fursuit.
▪ Feel free to contact me via Email, discord or Telegram 
▪ Please state "commission" in the subject.

Commission Content
▪ I reserve the right to decline the commission for whatever reason.
▪ I can create character, but you need to pay an extra.
▪ If you already have a clear idea, please let me know in advance. I cant read your mind so if the description is not clear and it don’t look like what you have in mind I wont change the art.

▪ All payments via Paypal in CAD. Please use the “Pay for Goods and Services” option.
▪ Full-prepayment required.

The Right of Artwork
▪ Artworks are only for non-commercial purposes and private use, you are NOT allowed to make any profit from it.
▪ You can re-post it anywhere, with a linked credit (credit to Bluefox3465's userpage).
▪ Anything unsure please ask me, before you do the action(s).
▪ I have all rights with the commissioned image. 
▪ I can make the picture public later, please let me know the date.

Artwork procedure
▪ If you want wip, you need to ask! If you don’t ill probably just do the art.

▪ NO REFUND! Except if the reason is legit.

If you have other questions that haven't be listed here please feel free to send me a note.

Thanks to  nokino for letting me use and edit his TOS.

Artist can edit the TOS at any time with no notice.

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